Thorough Course Assessment material (Exams, Quizzes, lab experiments, etc.)
To ensure that all assessment types (formative and summative) assigned for each course are conducted as scheduled and marked on time, a variety of Formative Assessment Practices were applied and Feedback was provided to all students in all courses.
Evidence 1: Consistent Feedback on students’ work to enhance their learning progress is provided
Using Journals and blogs for constructive feedback to improve the quality of work submitted.
Evidence 2: I Integrated a variety of formative and summative assessment tools ( See evidences of teaching and learning) to enhance the implementation of different learning models though utilizing virtual classes, many interactive platforms and face-to-face meetings. (Please, see the number of students’ repsonses ate the right side of the below pics)_202120
Evidence 3: Below is an example of data analysis of students’ responses that are consistently shared with students in class to identify their area of strengths and development as well as their next goals. Below picture shows some platforms (study. Com) and Plickers, I use to assess students’ learning
Evidence 4: Participate with the team of my courses in producing exam questions to generate the required version of exams for all HCT campuses. Contribute effectively to the test question bank and/or coursework assessments as requested by SCTL
I contributed effectively to create a bank of questions for test one of EDU 1713. Please see below email and a PDF of the series of emails is attached in the same folder as well.
Evidence 5: Timely evaluation as per the course syllabus. All assessment practices were applied as per the course syllabus and its added to the course on the BBL and followed precisely.
Evidence 6: Assessment types match what is in approved CourseLeaf outline and are graded with clear marking criteria / rubrics. All assessments were added to the BBL as mentioned in the above section and rubric for all assessments were imported and used as per the SCTL guidance.
(Please, see the below pic. Additionally, a sample of 3 attached rubric (grade sheets) of three different students in this folder)_202120
Below is a pic for rubrics imported in the BBL for ECE 3503 course. Same for all other courses.
Evidence 7: Blackboard Grade Center aligned with Course Leaf assessment strategy for all courses taught. Below is a pic for the course leaf of EDU 1713 and a pic for the grade center to prove the alignment between them. All my courses are aligned in the same way.
Evidence 8: Attending all Moderation Meetings with the Course Coordinators to enhance consistency in delivery and practices of the unified curriculum. Below is a pic of a part of my calendar. Red highlights refer to meetings with Course coordinators and parallel instructors in all HCT campuses
Evidence 9: Coursework assessments are aligned with the approved CAP ASD and are given as per Course Leaf assessment strategy timelines. I have attached all CAP-ASD files of my courses that all are aligned with assessment practices of these courses. Below is a pic of an example of CAP for ECE 3503
Evidence 11: I participated in the translation of tasks from English to Arabic of the course EPC 1903. Please, see below pic. Additionally, PDF of my email to the SCTL (Amal) is attached
Evidence 10: Completed about 43 observation visits to different schools to evaluate our TP students’ practices and provide immediate formative feedback. The below table shows my MST schedule of visits including number Visits / student
Evidence 11: Summative Assessment- Grading process of all my CRN courses is fully complete – Example: Grading EDU 1713 course. All my CRNs’ grades were submitted on time and approved from PTL (Dr. Aysha)