Cross-disciplinary contribution to other academic programs

1: Participate in the academic success sessions to support the learning process of students in HCT as per their needs_202120

2: Participated in the translation of EPC 1903 tasks from English to Arabic

I have translated task 4 of the course the first practicum course to enhance the transition from English to Arabic instruction.

3: Contribution to HCT Newsletter-202120

Best Practices Event

The Best Practices Event has often been regarded as a staple of Faculty of Education in HCT Al-Ain Women Campus. This exhibition is used to assess and celebrate students’ knowledge and practices across different disciplines in general, Teaching practicum and research projects in particular.

In an effort to identify a set of best practices for linking on-campus event exhibits to semester 202110 undergraduate coursework, AAWC celebrated students’ achievements in an academic gathering where all students and faculty members were invited to attend in the ABSHIR Hall to discuss and enjoy students’ projects. This event provides students with a meaningful learning opportunity to enhance their critical and creative thinking and develop transferable academic skills such as teamwork, presentation and communication skills, integrating technology, writing and defending their teaching best practices and research journeys.

By engaging with educational projects, images, artifacts and presentations in two different halls, In the first hall, students produced a wide range of project-based practices. that highlighted the theme of educational toy/game and diverse interpretations of their work, providing students and faculty with a shared body of material on which to reflect. In the second hall, semester 8 students defended their research projects and discussed their stories including their results and challenges they faced during inquiry. Moreover, many students presented their best practices including teaching experiences and achievement during teaching practicum weeks.

AAWC participating students showed high level of confidence, enthusiasm and professionalism. Attending students from all grads had the opportunity to walk around these areas to be engaged in formal and informal discussion with presenters and faculty across academic disciplines such as visual arts, capstone research projects, theories in child development and teaching practicum.

Faculty reported that this valuable experience led to more student participation in expanded perspectives on a variety of interdisciplinary topics concerning education.

2022 Education NewsletterFile Size: 10.8MBView / Open

4: Sharing resources and suggestions to support colleagues and enhance the teaching and learning process of ECE 3213 course_202210

5: Revising and Improving Existing Course ECE 3503

I have contributed to the course ECE 3503 (assessment in early childhood) by creating presentations that are needed to enhance the alignment between content and the CLOs and PLOs of the course_202210.

Constructive alignment File Type: pptxView / Open
Gantt Chart File Type: PDFView / Open